Adult Hot Sauces
$6.25If you like green sauces, and you like blasting heat, this one is for you. The name says it all and it does not...
$5.95Megasoreass Hot Sauce. This chile pepper chomping dinosaur was known to ignite everything in sight and could be the...
$5.95No Shit. "This is Hot" Hot Sauce--Warning: Do not use this hot sauce in the bathroom. We will not be responsible for...
$8.95Nuckin' Futs Hot Sauce. Use Nuckin' Futs Hot Sauce at your own risk. Too much will drive you nuts. Shake well and...
$6.25Pittsburg Sucks Hot Sauce. You know the Browns and Steelers have the best rivalry in all of football. As true Browns...
$7.95Ladies & Gentlemen! After years of perfecting formulations, this sauce has achieved precisely that. It's hot, it's...
$8.95Flamin' Flatulence X-Hot Hot Sauce is Professor Payne Indeass's Butt Blazin' Recipe #5. This guy will never stop!
$11.95Pure Habanero Gourmet Pepper Hot Sauce has a distinct flavor of the habanero can lend a balance to any chef's recipe....
$6.25Raised Right Republican Hot Sauce is for those right-wingers who can't begin to stomach Hillary and her 2016...
$6.95Rectal Rocket Fuel Island Jerk Hot Sauce enters the world of flavor and pain with Rectal Rocket Fuel. Rectal Rocket...
$9.95Rudolph the Red-Assed Reindeer Cajun Hot Sauce is great gag gift for Christmas! ON SALE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST!
$11.95Satan's Rage Pepper Sauce- When you indulge in this sauce you will surely encounter the wrath of Satan's Rage....
$6.25Screw Democrats Hot Sauce if you are fed up with politics, and who's not, this is your sauce. Also available in Screw...
$6.25Screw Republicans Hot Sauce if you are fed up with politics, and who's not, this is your sauce. Also available in...
$4.95See Dick Burn Hot Sauce. See Dick eat killer Louisiana hot sauce. See Dick Burn.
$4.95See Jane on Fire Hot Sauce is a funny twist on the Dick and Jane readers that most of us learned to read with....