High River Sauces Cheeba Gold Barbados Style Scotch Bonnet Pepper

High River Sauces Cheeba Gold Barbados Style Scotch Bonnet Pepper
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High River Sauces Cheeba Gold blends Scotch Bonnet & Fatalii peppers with peaches, lemon and a touch of mustard. This sauce is perfect for chicken, fish, or whatever you want to have the taste of the islands!

SKU: 736

Shipping Weight: 5 oz


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Apr 9, 2022  |  By Mitch
Cheeba Gold is a hot sauce that does not disappoint. The biggest flavor coming out of this one is the curry powder. You get more of just a touch of sweetness from the peach rather than a full on peach profile which is very nice. Goes great on chicken wings!

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Ingredients: Peaches, Yellow Scotch Bonnet pepper, Onions, Distilled Vinegar, Fatalli Peppers, Water, Brown Sugar, Mustard, Garlic, Lemon Juice, Curry Powder, Salt, Cumin, Black Pepper, Cilantro, spices.

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