Mo Hotta Corporate Gifts are unique and memorable.... you want your customers, business associates, friends or employees to remember your business throughout the next year. Mo Hotta Mo Betta custom designs gift assorments to meet your needs and budgets. Whether we create a gift basket, a two bottle wooden slide box or just a customized bottle of hot sauce with your name and greeting on it, Mo Hotta can help to separate you from the pack. JUST SAY NO TO FRUITCAKES!


Below is the list for corporate order discounts when ordering for your clients, partners or whoever makes your business the best it can be! Our coporate gift baskets are memorable and unique, just like you are!

Corporate Gift Discounts

Order Total Corporate Discount
Up to $200.00 5%
$200-500 6%
$500-1000 7%
$1000-1500 8%
$1500-2000 9%
$2000-3000 10%
$3000-4000 11%
$4000-5000 12%
$5000 and more 13%


Call your corporate gift assistant today to begin a game plan and selection perfect for your company. We can meet any budget and we will give you the most bang for your buck, GUARANTEED!

How Do I get started?

Call us at 1-800-462-3220 or email us at to begin your ordering process. We have a knowledgable staff to help you today!