Species Name: Capsicum annuum var annuum Linne
Color: Dark green maturing to bright red - dries bright red
Average Size: 5 - 6" long, 1/2" diameter
Shape: Long, slender, somewhat curved pod, tapering to a point
Description: Seeds and veins are often removed in cooking because of heat. Used both fresh and dried. Thin-fleshed, acidic, smoky, tart flavor
Scoville Heat Units: 35,000 - 40,000
Substitute if Not Available: De Arbol, Mirasol, Guajillo, Jalapeno, Serrano, Thai
Other Names: Ginnie peppers, Finger peppers
Related Cultivars: Cayenne Langer, Cayenne Large Red Thick, Cayenne Pickling, Golden Cayenne, Hades Hot, Hot Portugal, Japones Fucshin, Jaune Long, Long Red, Long Slim, Mammoth Cayenne, Ring of Fire, Carolina Cayenne, Charleston Hot, Super Cayenne
Most Commonly Grown In: Louisiana, Mexico, Asia and Africa
Interesting Facts: This pre-Columbian pepper, first referred to in 1542, probably originated in French Guiana and was named after the Cayenne River in that South American country. What most people refer to as "cayenne powder" may or may not be made from cayenne peppers. The cayenne pepper is very popular in Louisiana, where cooks frequently use them to spice up Creole and Cajun dishes.
Most Common Uses: Hot pepper sauces, Cajun-Creole dishes, Indian, Indonesian, Thai, Pakistan, Hunan, Szechuan dishes, powdered as a spice