When we say the Original, we mean the Original. Anchor Bar Wing Sauces were the original inventor of one of today's favorite foods, the buffalo wing. Located in Buffalo, New York, Frank and Teressa have perfected this recipe for the Anchor Bar Wing Sauces. Try all three to please all your taste bud preferences. (12oz)
SKU: 1400-P
Write a reviewFrankXX
Nov 19, 2011 | By Mark
These sauces, Medium, Hotter & Suicidal are three totally different sauces. They maintain no continuity at all. As the sauces get hotter they grow more offensive to the palate. The Medium is ok, very mild and a little vinegary, but lacking in any depth of flavor. The Medium would be good for a novice. The Hotter is also not too vinegary, with a different type of vinegar, and a more of a cayenne pepper flavor. This is the best of the three. The Suicidal is just that to your mouth. It's not really hot but just over loaded with chilie power, not cayenne, but a different type more like a generic type, maybe Ancho chili. What kills this sauce is the generous over dose of course black pepper. Between the chilie power and course black pepper this sauce should have been named discontinued.
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Chunky Sauce
May 15, 2012 | By jeff
I have to say this isn't my favorite wing sauce. It's a thicker sauce, hot but not crazy hot, and has more going on with a variety of flavors. If you like a more complex sauce this may be a 4 or 5 rated sauce for you.
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May 20, 2012 | By Basrbara Haun
Wonderful just enough hot to enhance the flavor!
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Needs Major Improvement
Sep 18, 2017 | By Shawn Bunce
I've had more wings from various area establishments than many people and always try new, unique sauces while there. When I first learned of Anchor and the sauces being sold in stores I was pretty excited to try them out. Yuck!! What a let down!! I thought Anchor would be producing quality, dynamic, unique sauces and set the standard on chicken wing sauces. One might think they got this sauce making thing locked down... The classic Louisiana Cayenne hot sauce with butter recipe outranks this unimaginative wtf sauce. Pffff
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Aug 12, 2020 | By Jim bell
Awesome wing sauce
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Aug 22, 2020 | By William Baldwin
Good stuff
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Cayenne Peppers, Distilled Vinegar, Salt, and Garlic.
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