Melinda's Scorpion Pepper Sauce

Mo Heat Level: 10+

Melinda's Scorpion Pepper Sauce is made from the hot, hot, hot heat of the Scorpion pepper. The boys down in Texas took a great hot sauce and made it damn good with the heat of the Scorpion!! Great citrus flavor with a booming heat!! Melinda's fans rejoice, this is a good one!! (red label)

SKU: 10300

Shipping Weight: 5 oz


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Hottest sauce in my rotation
Oct 29, 2017  |  By stefano
Very good taste and heat level. Gets your attention !

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Melinda's Best
Jul 6, 2021  |  By Kevin
My grocer quit carrying Melinda's Noga jalka so wouldn't even dream of sticking this. It's a notch hotter than Noga, but just as flavorful. Will keep ordering as long as the keep making it!

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Ingredients: Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Peppers, fresh carrots,. onions, lime juice, vinegar, garlic, salt.

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