Pirates Blend Caribbean Condiment Hot Sauce

Mo Heat Level: 6

This is the famous Costa Rican table sauce you love!!!! Spicy, not hot, this sauce is damn good with fish, shrimp, pork, chicken, eggs, veggies, salads, beans n' rice, soups and marinades.

SKU: 10035

Shipping Weight: 12 oz


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Sep 28, 2011  |  By David
Strikes a good balance. Interesting flavor.

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Feb 28, 2012  |  By Nicky
this sauce has no kick what so ever, not even a bit of spice!

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Awesome dipping sauce
Feb 19, 2023  |  By Howard Nuned
I'm very surprised to see such low ratings for this zesty and delicious Caribbean sauce. It's very flavorful and goes with just about everything. It's not a super hot pepper sauce, but does every sauce need to kick your butt?? I pour a couple tablespoons of this on my plate and blend it with whatever I'm eating. Meats, rices, vegetables, whatever. Wonderful!

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Awesome dipping sauce
Feb 19, 2023  |  By Howard Nuned
I'm very surprised to see such low ratings for this zesty and delicious Caribbean sauce. It's very flavorful and goes with just about everything. It's not a super hot pepper sauce, but does every sauce need to kick your butt?? I pour a couple tablespoons of this on my plate and blend it with whatever I'm eating. Meats, rices, vegetables, whatever. Wonderful!

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