Pure Cap Hot Sauce

Mo Heat Level: 10

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Mo Heat Level: 10

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Mo Heat Level: 10
Out of Stock

Why use a hot sauce with its adultered ingredients? Pure Cap is pure heat! NO salt. No sugar. No kidding around. Please use as a food additive! AVAILABLE AFTER JULY 4, 2023.

SKU: 2221

Shipping Weight: 2 oz


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Exactly what I was after
Jun 17, 2016  |  By Kevin Ray
I make homemade salsa regularly and cutting up the habaneras is a royal pain. Having to wear rubber gloves and trying to cut them up so fine. I needed a quick and easy. Tried using different habanera hot sauces but they altered the fresh salsa flavor and made it taste like hot sauce. I needed just HEAT with nothing else. Two drops to a large bowl of salsa is perfect for me. One drop in the same amount is mild enough for a school girl (I was afraid this stuff would be too hot). Some might go three drops but 2-3 tortilla chips and your in pain to eat any more. More than three drops, you are insane. This was pricey, but worth it to never have to cut up habaneras again. And, I can make salsa in 10 minutes instead of 30.

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Nov 30, 2018  |  By Roger
This is the 4th bottle of pure cap that I've bought over the years. Great sauce!!

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Vegetable Oil and Capsaisin.

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