Alice Cooper No More Mr. Nice Guy Medium Hot Sauce

Mo Heat Level: 4

I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing... till I got a hold of this sauce. Aged Red Habanero Peppers create a balance of heat and flavor so good it's obscene! Make no mistake, with a few drops of this, you'll be swinging back at the good Reverend.

SKU: 1258

Shipping Weight: 5 oz


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An Excellent Hot Sauce
Jan 23, 2021  |  By Eric Harold Read
I decided to try Alice Cooper's Hot Sauce, No More Mister Nice Guy. I was very pleasantly surprised by its flavor and heat. One of my adult sons tried it, and now I have to keep it hidden from him he liked it so much. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who desires great flavor without massive heat. It works well in chili and other foods.

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An Excellent Hot Sauce
Apr 4, 2021  |  By Eric Harold Read
Alice Cooper's new hot sauce, No More Mr. Nice Guy, is a wonderful blend of heat and taste. My wife, who doesn't really like hot sauce, has remarked that it is the best she has ever tasted. It has a wonderful flavor and the right amount of heat. I have had to buy a bottle for one of my sons to keep him from using up all of mine. I will keep this one in stock for sure.

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Top notch hot sauce
Dec 2, 2022  |  By Wesley Beling
I have been getting Alice Cooper No More Mr. Nice Guy Medium Hot Sauce and Alice Cooper Welcome To My Nightmare Mild Hot Sauce for the last 2 Christmas for my brother who is a chili head and all and he loves em and all. This order will be 3rd Christmas gift from Mo Betta Mo Hotta for him..

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Habanero peppers, carrots, onions, vinegar, garlic, lime juice, salt.

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